All I'm gonna do is make music until something happens.

Age 34, Male

Writer/ Voice Actor/


Joined on 8/26/05

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Posted by mothman47 - December 26th, 2017

So, I've been doing this music as a hobby for awhile now. I kinda wanna do it for more than just a hobby's sake, or at least, improve the quality. I've been playing Piano for almost 10 years now, and sequencing for about that long as well.

While anyone can make a song in FL Studio with the basic kit tools, I'd like to get to the point where I can stop using the free version of software and provide users with an amazing rendition of both covers of videogames, as well as original pieces I've worked on. 


I know its a bit tasteless to ask for any help, but I figure If I want to make this a reality, I need to try. I work a Part time job as a security guard and I collect VA Disability; that helps sustain my family. What I really want is some financial elbow room to afford new music programs and instruments, to provide current quality for the video game treasures we hold dear.

BTC: 1HLzviYeatAQks6m4aeX9fLuEMu5WjGzcs


LTC: LYpmjSG2uS4tn8CkpBHbSB9tNZTW4Sxjx7

ETH: 0x109BDa045272DFD32400AD9aDA8f99080921aea7


Do appreciate all the music you've been doing so far! Also work part-time, setting aside a bit coin for hobbies so I'll be holding onto that a bit. :) But hope you gets some! Impressive array of digital curr5encies there! Have you been using them a long time?

I really regret not getting into BTC when I first read about it some years back, could've pretty much been a millionaire by now did I know the potential...

Well, the Casio is the same. She's getting a bit old for new stuff, but I won't throw her out, just need a new one.

Crypto is one of those real interesting things, once you understand the basic principles of it. It's just like day-trading with more volatile stocks. Gotta have nerves of steel to handle the pressure and HODL.

Ah, quality equipment seems to last forever, though indeed that tech does keep evolving...

So you trade with crypto-currencies too? Made any notable profits yet? I've been thinking about it ever since I was made aware just how profitable it had become since I first read about it and didn't think so much of it... but does require some getting into to understand.

I've done some trading, but I tend to hold more than I sell, as I am saving for the road ahead. It's pretty easy to get behind once you realize that the currency doesn't inflate, at least most don't.

If it doesn't... feels like both an intriguing and a really unstable concept to me. Not steered by global economy directly, but still very much tied to how our society works. Worse financial climate: worse prospects for mining and maintaining a blockchain right...? Well, either way, guess I should at least invest small and see what happens. Huge potential riches; little potential losses...

Only invest what you can afford to lose- Rule of thumb. Don't go in over your head and expect a huge return. 50 dollars is a good start, see where it goes.

Solid advice. Shall do. Any particular wallet/exchange you'd recommend for starters?

Litecoin is an easy crypto to get into. Promising returns in the next 6 months.

Shall give it a try, thanks!