
46 Audio Reviews

14 w/ Responses


Just a few things. The Beat to the song isn't a constant drumbeat, it goes a bit like this...

dum, doo...dum, dum...doo....and repeat that. I hear dum dum dum, doo...dum dum doo....

aside from that its pretty good.

Wicked man...

Fuck yes dude, I've been looking for a good remix of this. And I found it. Nice job. Btw, i heard you do requests, so if you can, could you do all the music from TNT? If you need midi reference, you can e-mail me at mothman47@hotmail.com

LightOtaku responds:

TNT? not sure what that is, but I'll contact you about it.


Somethin tells me you take after Trey and Matt, somehow, in a paradox form. This is so silly, but it kicks ass.

Needs more....

Wailing Guitar! Higher Pitch! HELL YEAH! This is the kinda shit I love!

rocker206 responds:

Hey glad you liked it man!

Very good.

I liked the way the tempo was steady throughout the entire piece, but the only thing that irked me was at the ending. You could've faded out, and that would have gotten you a few more higher marks on my score sheet.

All in all, it was a good piece, and I enjoyed it.

niftyhero responds:

yeah. the ending was brief. nothing special i guess. glad you liked the rest!

Import MIDI?

Ok...one thing.

You can't import a MIDI and make it that fuggin good, dumbass. Stop hating just because He can actually make music. Unlike you.


WTF is right. WTF is wrong with your attitude? That's the only reason why I hate NG. Its assholes like you who can't do no better than utter a few hateful words of prejudice. If you don't like it, then go away. Otherwise, shut up and enjoy life, you ass-monger.

This piece was nice, although short, it reflected the village perfectly. I hope to hear a longer version of this from you.

Hmm...what a dick.

You could do a possible I.P Scan and find out his I.P address, then run a WhoIs. If its Sbc, just mail abuse, that could just shut the guy up...


aside from that disturbance, it was a good piece. Just a question. Was this made in an audio editing program or by hand?

So...let me get this straight...

some douche comes on here, says you're stealing, and then....no more? Hmm...He hasn't reviewed this one, and I don't think he's a smart one, either. Nice work.

ninboy90 responds:

yuh huh nice feedback

500??? dude...

You really got no life, man.

Carcase responds:

I could take that in email, do you have a reason for giving me a 6?

PS: No I don't have a life

Ok Ok Ok...

So...lemme see...so if someone who is on an original site has one user name, but goes to another one and makes a new account with a different name, its stolen? WTF? When was this a single-minded community of jackasses (Points to all the duck-F*cking morons) and decide to vote low, simply because "OMG IT SOUNDS LIKE REDLIGHT, BUT ITS A DIFFERENT NAME, ITS STOLEN! OMFG 1337@!!!1111"


ninboy90 responds:

nigga stole my bike

All I'm gonna do is make music until something happens.

Age 34, Male

Writer/ Voice Actor/


Joined on 8/26/05

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