
27 Movie Reviews

4 w/ Responses

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STFU, man. This flash was good. This is not a religious site, and I respect your religion, but do not go and preach it in a damn review. The voice acting is great. So first off.

STFU with your religious speech. If you need to vent, do it constructively, not "OMGWTFBBQ UR GAY LAWL"

To the author of this flash. You did good, and I voted 4. Good luck in the future.

BadFlashProductions responds:

Cheers man. This review made my day :D

what a dumbass.

Dude, whoever that is, I wanna thank him for a job well done on making a complete ass of himself. He probably is pissin himself because of this. He became a star overnight. What a dumbass.


What the hell...

Just pure Randomness. I love it.

why would anyone vote low on this?

Forget what that other guy said. He's a moron for saying this sucks. This is the most kick ass flash series ever made. I love your work.

why bother?

Well, At first it looked ok...then it went down the pipes...dont worry, I laughed..if that was your intention. Think of something better and take your time making your next flash.

WTF is this?

GOOD GOD....If I had noticed that the preloader was from the cover title, I would have stopped watching this already. I RATE THIS S, FOR SHITTY. STOP MAKING FLASH.

why do people bitch about things that are funny...

In reply to the last reviewer, Its supposed to be short and sweet. Thats the mentality of Monty Python. Slapstick and random comedy.

I also like the "Needless act of violence" The cat did to the hand.

Holy schiza.

Dude, that was funny as hell. I loved it. Verbal language and two pissed off people bitching about something we dont know about. So lets just drop if off here that that was fucking funny. Do more!

Not bad...but...

The animation was to me a bit cruddy, but I like your effort, so it evened out. 2nd, the imp looked like a mutated koopa (not dissin you, just sayin man)

but I llike your work. and I really don't mind how you carry yourself in your flash creations. just practice.

All I'm gonna do is make music until something happens.

Age 34, Male

Writer/ Voice Actor/


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